Cut the Soda Challenge- How It Could Save Your Health and Your Wallet

I’m writing this while I’m chugging a Coca-Cola? Why? Because the stuff tastes so dang good, makes me feel good, has a fun bubble, comes in a pretty red can, and is addictive. But then again, that’s no surprise. Half of Americans drink soda every day. Once again, I have come to the conclusion that I have to stop drinking soda, and it’s a bitter-sweet goodbye. I just want to grab it and say “No! Not that! Anything but THAT!” But alas… my wallet (and my body) tells me that it is something that needs to be kicked to the curb. So here is my Ditch the Soda Challenge. I hope you will join me on my journey to a soda-free, healthier, and more frugal life. Continue reading